The Long Island Suffrage Playbook

On this episode we talk with Jane Swersey about her research into the lives of Rosalie Gardiner Jones of Oyster Bay and Ida Bunce Sammis of Cold Spring Harbor. Each took a different path and tactic in supporting the suffrage movement. Jones created inspired marketing opportunities like the Suffrage Hike to Albany in 1912 while Sammis worked through local organizations, becoming one of the first women elected to the New York State Assembly in 1918.

You’ll also hear abut the influence of the British suffrage movement, the difference between suffragists and suffragettes, and other luminaries such as Elisabeth Freeman, Alice Paul, and Lucy Burns. Jane also reflects on her experience teaching history in Long Island high schools for thirty-four years. Are students today more aware of the role of women in history? Listen to find out.
Further Research
- Marching for the Vote: Remembering the Woman Suffrage Parade of 1913 Library of Congress
- “Women Members of State Assembly” (March 1920) by Ida B. Sammis via Google Books
- An Interactive Scrapbook of Elisabeth Freeman
- Long Island and the Woman Suffrage Movement
- [British] Suffragette Timeline. The Telegraph