The Life Story of Primo Fiore

Primo Fiore was born in Brooklyn but raised his family in Deer Park while working as a physical education instructor in West Islip. His gifted speaking voice, combined with a curriculum involving lessons in square dancing, led him on a path to a prolific side career that took him all over the Island. He wound up calling square dances at campgrounds, churches, and school halls and, most notably, at the Bandshell at Jones Beach for decades.
Primo’s son Mario reached out to the podcast and the result is this deep dive into Primo’s life, including his days as a drill sergeant and his assoication with Dan Durlacher, noted caller and son of New York square dancing legend Ed Durlacher. Mario also helps us understand the place that square dancing held in gym class, the art and science of square dance calling, and the state of Jones Beach in the 1970s.
Further Research
- Square Dance History Project
- New York State Parks
- Restoring the Grandeur of Jones Beach
- Intro music:
- Outro music: Capering by Blue Dot Sessions CC BY-NC 4.0