The Coolest Field Trip You’ll Ever Take

Just after the turn of the last century, William (or Willie K.) was heir to the Vanderbilt fortune and all the pressures that went with it. Reeling from a public relations disaster in Lake Success, he diverted his attention to Centerport and created Eagle’s Nest, an idyllic private retreat with space for a public museum housing his collection of marine specimens and cultural artifacts.
On today’s episode we speak with Stephanie Gress, Director of Curatorial Affairs at the Suffolk County Vanderbilt Museum, the institution formed when Vanderbilt willed his estate be perpetuated as a museum.
Our discussion uncovers Willie K.’s scientific pursuits, his connections to the American Museum of Natural History, golfing with Sam Snead and the probabilities of Vanderbilts in space. We also talk about the challenges of preserving such a unique museum collection and how generations of school kids on Long Island have thrilled to the only Egyptian mummy between Brooklyn and Great Britain.
Further Research
- Suffolk County Vanderbilt Museum
- Vanderbilt Cup Races
- Fishbase
- Henry Hobart Nichols
- Books by William K. Vanderbilt II
- Eagle’s Nest: The William K. Vanderbilt II Estate by Stephanie Gress
- “The Making of the American Museum of Natural History’s Wildlife Dioramas.”
- William K. Vanderbilt II: A Biography by Steven Gittelman
- “Elon Musk’s Plan: Get Humans to Mars, and Beyond”